Communication models are useful in many ways. Still they
suffer from some limitations. Among them the following are important:
I. Details of a message are absent: A model is a
symbolic representation of a communication process. Details of a message are
not available in a model which hinders to reach a sound decision.
Difficult to form an idea about a
complete message: As a model is a symbolic representation, only very
important elements are presented in it. The less important elements are not
shown and thereby, it becomes very difficult to form an idea about complex
message from a model.
Inflexibility cannot be presented: Communication
is an ever-changing process. We know very little about how communication works.
We never know with certainty what works and what doesn't. This inflexibility
cannot be presented in a model.
May not be cost effective: Formulation
of communication model for transmitting message requires a lot of valuable
time. But the benefits may be less from the cost of application of such model.
Requirement of skilled manpower may
remain unfulfilled: To run the communication model properly, effective
manpower is essential. But such manpower may not always be available.