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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Importance of communication in business

Importance of communication in business can hardly be overemphasized. Communication is essential in business as in other spheres of life. Without communication no business can run. Organization cannot function without open and effective communication. In every business activity it requires human beings to interact and react, that is to communicate. Communication is the life-blood of any business organization. Its importance in modern business may be discussed under the following points: 

Importance of communication in business

  1.   Basis for effective leadership: Effective communication has long been recognized as a prerequisite for effective organizational leadership, communication transmits the leader's ideas and opinions to the followers. Many people rate communication as one of the most important aspects of business leadership. The prime requisite of a promising business leader is the "ability to communicate." Too often those who cannot communicate effectively become unsuccessful in business. Members of management spend 60 to 90 percent of their working time communicating speaking, writing, reading and listening. Many surveys and articles have confirmed the idea that effective communication is essential for success and promotion in business.                       
  2.         Sharing ideas and information: Communication is the means of moving ideas and information from one person to another which is very important for business. Business activities require human beings to interact. They exchange information, ideas, plans;make,decisions, rules,proposals,contracts and agreements. All these activities are related to communication. 
  3.        Rational decision making: Organizations are decision making networks and individuals engaged in communication make decisions. Communication helps managers to obtain data for decision making, to assist in searching problem and to know what actions are needed to run the business smoothly. So communication is very important for decision making. According to P.F.Drucker, "The new organization, whether an army or a business, is above all a decision system." 
  4.       Interacting with environment: Communication helps in performing all managerial functions, such as planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, motivating and controlling. Communication facilitates the managerial functions. It is through information exchange that managers become aware of the needs of customers, the availability of supplies, the claims of stock holders, the regulations of government and the concerns of a community. It is through communication that any organization becomes an open system interacting with its environment, a fact whose importance is widely known. 
  5.       Developing company's public image: Ability to communicate orally and in writing affects the company's public image. Messages written to national and international clients, customers, suppliers and other business contracts must be especially sensitive to audience concerned. Daily routine messages are just important for image building. Each message communicates the essential quality and culture of the organization and can either build goodwill or destroy it.
  6.    Helps delegation of authority and responsibility : Communication helps in decentralization of authority and delegation of responsibility to right person. Through downward communication managers delegate authority and responsibility to the subordinates.

Communication situation

Communication situation is indicative of such  a situation in which communication takes place between the sender and the receiver in such way that the receiver understands the message sent / transmitted by the sender and also reciprocates. Communication situation is thus deemed to exist if :
1.   There is a person (sender) willing to pass on some information.
2.   Another person (receiver) is there to whom the information is passed on.
3.   The receiver understands the message (partly or wholly).
4.   There is a feedback from the receiver.

Communication situation

In the absence of any of these four components, communication situation is deemed non-existent. The following examples will help clarify the concept.
  Example 1 : "One English speaking lady is talking about politics to a rural illiterate woman of Chittagong who can understand her local language only. Communication situation does not exist here because the said woman does not understand English and as a result fails to provide any feed-back.
Example 2 : "The Prime Minister of Japan greets the French President warmly at the Tokyo airport and both of them embraces each other . Communication situation exists here because there are two parties (sender and receiver of the message) and the greeting of the sender is reciprocated duty (feed-back) by the receiver. Language is not a problem here because an understanding has been created not through the words of mouth but through the warmth of heart.
Example 3 : "The manager told the supervisor to attend office at 9 am. And he responded accordingly". Communication situation existed here because there was a sender i.e. the manager and also a receiver i.e. the supervisor. The supervisor ism understood the message and also responded accordingly.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Elements of Communication

Elements of Communication are :

a)    Sender :One who sends a message is either the writer or speaker, depending upon whether the communication is written or oral. Sender is the encoder of the message. Message includes symbols, usually words that will correctly and tactfully express the message. So, the receiver will understand it and react with desired response. Both internal and external stimuli affect message encoding and sending.
b)   Message :The message may consist of both verbal, written or spoken symbols and nonverbal symbols to convey ideas from the sender to the receiver. The sender translates his ideas into a message.
c)    Channel :Like message content, the choice of channel or medium is influenced by the interrelationship of sender and receiver, If the message requires an immediate answer or if it contains bad news for the receiver an oral channel may be the better choice. But if the message contains complicated details and figures or if its subject requires filing for future reference, a written communication is necessary.

Elements of Communication

d)   Receiver :The message receiver is the reader or listener and decoder of the message. The receiver as well as the sender are influenced by external environment and internal stimuli. The receiver receives messages through eyes, ears and sometimes through touch and decode according to his / her own experiences. A problem is that all of us do not have identical experience with the subject or the symbols a sender uses. Attitudes, abilities, opinions, communication skills and cultural customs of receiver and sender of message usually vary. Hence misinterpretations occur, personal biases intervene as each receiver through his or her recepter mechanism perceives the intended meaning of the sender's idea. Ultimately the receiver reacts, either with a response based on clear interpretation of the symbols or an incorrect response because of miscommunication.
Feedback :Feedback is the receiver's reaction indicating to the sender whether or not the message has been understood and correctly interpreted. Feedback creates a two-way process of communication rather than a simple send-receive relationship. Feedback may be a simple 'yes' or 'no' or a request for further clarification. If the receiver incorrectly perceives the message, that is miscommunication. The success or failure of the communication is indicated by the feedback.

Seven Steps of Communication

Communication involves seven steps thought, encoding, transmission, reception, decoding, understanding and feedback. In the case of feedback the receiver acts as the sender and the steps are repeated.
The process of communication begins when one person (sender) initiates a thought. S/he may decide that the thought backed by certain idea, opinion or fact needs to be transmitted to someone else. This thought has meaning to the sender which is the first step in the communication process.
The next step is to encode the meaning of the thought into a form appropriate to the situation and the receiver. This encoding might take the form of verbal words, gestures, facial expressions, physical actions or even artistic expressions.
After encoding, the message is transmitted through the appropriate channel .The common channels include printed pages, face-to-face discussion, the air waves and telephone lines. Transmission is the third step of the communication process.
In the fourth step the message is received and decoded by the receiver / receivers via such senses as eyesight and hearing. Decoding may also be done by an interpreter if the message is encoded in a way not understandable by the receiver.
After the message is received, it must be translated into understanding to the receiver.
In many cases, this meaning prompts a response (feedback), and the cycle is repeated when a new message is sent through the same steps by the original sender.

Seven Steps of Communication

As shown in figure, "noise" may occur at any stage of the communication process and distort the message. It is particularly troublesome in the encoding or decoding stage. Since noise can interfere with understanding, managers should attempt to restrict it to a level that permits effective communication. In most of the cases the steps overlap and take place simultaneously, as in face-to-face oral communication.

Some definitions of communication

definitions of communication

According to Gary Dessler, "Communication is the exchange of information and the transmission of meaning."

According to Elliot Jaquer, "Communication is the sum total of directly and indirectly, consciously and unconsciously transmitted feelings, attitudes and wishes."

According to Murphy and Peck, "Communication is a two-way process of exchanging ideas or information between human beings "

According to R. S. Davar, "Communication is the process of meaningful interaction among persons in an organization, resulting in meanings being perceived and understandings effected among such persons."

What is Communication

Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver with a view to making it understandable to the latter. It can be defined as the process of effective transmission of information from one person to another. By effective communication is meant the process of sending a message in such a way that the message received is close in meaning to the message intended.


In our definition of communication, we see that three conditions are necessary for communication to take place.

First, there must be at least two persons (sender and receiver) involved in communication.

Second, there must be some information to be communicated.

Third, an attempt must be made to transmit this information.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Animal feed in Alabama

In Alabama you have found various animal farms. These animal farms provide different kinds of things. But before serving different things at first the owners of those farms need to serve food to their animals. Otherwise the animals also can not provide many things and can not do much work. There are three types of Animal feed. They are
  1.  Compound food: - It is that kind of food which is blended from various raw materials and additives (a substance which is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it).
  2.    Fodder: - It is kind of food which is used specifically to feed domesticated livestock (like cattle, goats, sheep, etc.).
  3.     Forage: - Forge is the plant material which is eaten by domestic livestock like cow, goat, sheep, etc.
In Alabama you can find several organizations and shops whose serve animal feed to the farmers in Alabama State. They are 
  1.        R A M K-9 Unlimited (Houston County, Alabama).
  2.       United Methdst Pstrl Cre Cnslg (Houston County, Alabama).
  3.       S & J Sk8 Shop LLC (Houston County, Alabama).
  4.        Farley Tractor Co Inc (Bessemer, Alabama).
  5.       Carmans Camp Inc (Bessemer, Alabama).
  6.       Van Heusen Inc Store 441 (Bessemer, Alabama).
  7.        Humane Society Shelby County (Columbiana, Alabama).
  8.        Shelby Extension Office (Columbiana, Alabama)
  9.      Big N Small Clean up shop (Houston County, Alabama).

Emergency Medical Service- Alabama

As a human being we sometimes get ill in a sudden time. In that time we need pre medical service. This pre medical service sometimes saves people’s life. There are several types of pre medical service. Pre hospital care is one of them.  In the state of Alabama pre hospital care is regulated by the Department of Public Health through the State Board of Health and its emergency medical service (EMS) division. The EMS takes responsible for protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public by assuring emergency medical services provided by ambulance services, emergency medical response agencies, training entities, etc. the main works of EMS are to investigate the  complaints and may exercise its authority to deny, place on probation, suspend, or revoke the licensure of an ambulance service, training entity, emergency medical response agency, and emergency medical technician when statutory or regulatory violation is substantiated. You have found several ambulance services that were approved by EMS for ensuring better service. Those ambulance services are
  1.    Abbeville Ambulance Service Inc
  2.    American Ambulance Srvc
  3.    Campbells Ambulance Services
  4.    Dothan Ambulance Srvc Inc 
  5.    Emergystat Medical Transport Inc
  6.   Knights Ambulance Service
  7.   Pickens County Ambulance Incorporation

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Farm service - Alabama

Alabama has quiet a history in agriculture. It contributes around $5 billion to the state economy. There are approximately 48000 farms totaling nine million acres. Cotton of Alabama is always famous. Some farmers grow peanuts, corn, soybeans etc. There are produced around five different livestock and cattle. Catfish, chicken farm etc. are famous for their own productivity.
 Farm service agency in Alabama helps the farmers and other agriculture related people to ensure their economic safety such as farm loan, support for commodity price, hazard relief, and other related possible thing. Their office located in Montgomery, Alabama.

Emergency management-Alabama

Emergency management a sub potential field which used to protect an organization’s assets from risk damage. Emergency management plan ensure your company’s safety and prevent from loss. Also ensure your company revenue.
Alabama possess business impotence of its own. So many big & small companies located here .However, few emergency management agency located here. One of them Henry County Emergency Management.
The company covers your all business risks, hazards, minimizing the damage, establishing recovery system etc. They are funded by local, state, federal supports. Their main aim to provide every possible support to their customers. So why you wanting for?